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Burrow Hole Bg3 Goblin Camp

Explore the Mysterious Burrow Hole in Baldur's Gate III

Uncover Secrets with a Druid's Feline Form

Burrow Hole Discovery

In Baldur's Gate III, an enigmatic burrow hole awaits exploration near the Goblin Camp. This intriguing passage leads to a hidden path, offering adventurers a chance to unravel its mysteries.

Druid's Entrance

To access the burrow hole, players must transform a druid into a cat using the Polymorph spell. The feline form's compact size allows it to navigate the narrow passageway with ease.

Burrow Hole Coordinates

The burrow hole is located in the Goblin Camp, on the higher ground beside Gut's room. Its coordinates are 253 -27. Once inside, players will encounter a winding path leading to a hidden chamber.

Exploring the Path

As players traverse the burrow hole, they will encounter challenging obstacles. Stealth and agility are crucial, as slipping through narrow crevices and evading traps is paramount. The hidden path reveals itself gradually, offering glimpses of the secrets that lie ahead.
